Dive Brief:
Google will emerge as the primary leader in the artificial intelligence (AI) space, according to Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, speaking at the eMerge Americas tech conference in Miami on Monday, according to Triangle Business Journal.
Specifically, Wozniak praised Google Assistant, noting that the product can "understand human commands and inquiries in a more contextual, user-friendly way than Siri can."
Wozniak continued on a theme that we are hearing from Apple now regarding the importance of humans in the technology process.
Dive Insight:
Google wants to be the leader in AI, and Wozniak believes it has a solid head start, even more so than Apple. Part of it comes down to investment. Google's parent company Alphabet has had the most AI acquisitions so far, ahead of Microsoft, Apple, Intel and Salesforce, according to recent data from research firm Quid.
Winning the AI race comes with huge rewards. AI advances will lead to more conversational user interfaces (UIs) into the enterprise. The company that gets AI for UIs right first stands to capture a big share of the market. Now, does Apple just declare Google the winner and step aside?