Dive Brief:
More than 80% of U.S.-based IT pros report feeling at least somewhat stressed at work, with 29% reporting they're either stressed, very stressed, or extremely stressed, according to a survey of more 600 U.S. tech workers from Spiceworks.
IT pros are happier and less stressed in smaller companies than in enterprises, despite having less time off, according to the report.
IT professionals in the U.S. take an average of 18 days off per year, according to the report. But those IT professionals in enterprises take an average of 23 days off each year.
Dive Insight:
Numerous studies show IT pros are in high demand and making more money than ever, but few have thus far examined what that means in terms of work/life balance. The Spiceworks survey found being an IT pro can indeed come with a cost.
As IT infiltrates more areas of a company, IT pros find themselves responsible for ensuring more systems and software run correctly, assisting more people within the company. In some cases, IT even acts as a revenue engine for parts of the company. All that puts more stress on IT pros and leaves them working longer hours with less time off.
Companies that can help their IT workers find a balance between work and play will stand a better chance of attracting and retaining those workers even a tight labor market.