Dive Brief:
Companies that help drive transformation efforts at non-tech companies are seeing huge opportunities and changes as digital transformation continues to gain popularity in the enterprise, Fortune reports.
Businesses are expected to spend $2.1 billion annually on technology by 2019, according to International Data Corp.
Demand by companies that need help installing tech, training workers and guidance on how to use it all drove consultants — including Accenture, IBM, Cognizant, Deloitte and Wipro — to make acquisitions of design and strategy agencies this year.
Dive Insight:
Businesses need consultants not only to help them install tech, but now more than ever to envision how technology will change the way they do business.
Consulting companies report that services related to analytics, cloud services and other digital technologies were in particularly high demand this year, as were as services that can help businesses with technology for enhancing the customer experience. Consultants that can offer those types of services are likely to see the biggest demand going into 2017.