For knowledge workers sent home in March, "work mullets" are the preferred dress code for video calls. But everything else is in flux. Knowledge workers have adapted to unconventional working hours, virtual conferences, and literally living at work.
CIOs are trying to juggle the nuances in employee needs, while being mindful of productivity, and tools that combat burnout. But every employee's "new normal" is individualized, and the right technologies vary.
CIO Dive has kept pace with every "era" of the pandemic: from the initial mad dash to mass VPN adoption, to the original uproar of contact tracing and privacy, to the more settled-in stage of long-term remote work.
The long haul remote office might include a whiteboard pulled from storage, or muted notifications on chat platforms.
Technology executives across the spectrum have the opportunity to change how their organization views and interacts with IT. A pandemic wasn't the ideal catalyst for change, but it was an effective one.
As more eras take shape, here is a collection of stories that showcase how companies are replicating office efficiencies and innovations at home.