Dive Brief:
- Box ranked highest on overall customer satisfaction with cloud storage service providers, according to the J.D. Power 2016 Cloud Storage Satisfaction Report released Thursday, which is based on responses from 2,865 customers currently subscribed to and paying a recurring fee for cloud storage services.
- Box ranked well on price of service, storage capacity, variety of features offered, speed of downloading and uploading files and security factors, according to the report.
- Microsoft OneDrive came in second, followed closely by AmazonCloud Drive.
Dive Insight:
Customer satisfaction was determined based on price of service; storage capacity; ease of use; variety of features offered; reliability of service; speed of downloading and uploading files; functionality across different devices; security; and consistency across operating systems, according to J.D. Power.
Box and rival Dropbox have struggled to monetize their businesses and are looking to enterprise customers to help them do so. But the report shows that, at least for some customers, Box ranks the highest and is easier to use. However, the report does not gauge customer satisfaction by comparing their use of the different tools. So the responses are siloed toward a single tool.
Still, the results are promising for Box, which has worked to grow its enterprise customer base. Google too should be please with the news considering the partnership it recently signed with the company. Box announced it is working with Google on its Google Docs and Google Springboard in an effort to facilitate easier content collaboration in enterprises. The same week, IBM and Box unveiled a new workflow solution called Box Relay. Box Relay combines IBM Cloud with Box’s content management platform to allow employees to "create, track and manage routine processes."