Dive Brief:
The latest results from technology research firm Gartner show PC shipments fell 9.5% from the second quarter of 2014 to the second quarter of this year — the sharpest PC shipment decline since Q3 of 2013.
Apple, meanwhile, kept up its hot streak, with growth of 16.1% globally, according to a July IDC report.
- Despite the disappointing PC numbers, Gartner, predicts the downturn in PC shipments is only temporary.
Dive Insight:
The PC market is continuing to show signs of a slowdown. Overall, PC shipments will decline in total by 4.4% in 2015, Gartner predicts.
Gartner pointed to three major reasons for the drop in shipments: the ending of Windows XP support (which drove PC buying up last year), currency fluctuations that resulted in higher PC prices, and consumers anticipating the upcoming release of Windows 10. The company predicts the market to go back to "slow and steady growth" in 2016.